Looking for a new fence to give your garden that nice finishing touch and more privacy? Garden-fence.co.uk is the perfect starting point if you’re looking for more info on the different kinds of garden fences. On this website you’ll find out more about the often-used materials, the placing of a fence, the maintenance, the price per meter and so much more.
Types of garden fences with their prices
Garden fences can be build in different materials. A brief outline of the most popular types of fences:
Type of garden fence
Average price per meter
(VAT incl., placing excl.)
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1. Garden fence panels
Garden fence panels are completely closed, so they’re perfect to create privacy. The most popular materials are wood and concrete. Concrete fence panels are sturdy and, nowadays, available in different designs and colours. So you can choose concrete fence panels with texture, or a concrete fence in combination with wood.
If you’d rather gone for a natural, warm effect, you better choose wooden fence panels. The different types of wood (hard wood, impregnated wood…) each have their specific life span, price and quality.
Gabion baskets, or stone wall baskets, can fit into different garden styles and don’t require much maintenance. On top of that, they offer a lot of privacy and you can be as creative as you want with it, so you can create the garden fence of your dreams.
Gabion baskets are actually just rectangular cages made of wire mesh panels with rounded or rectangular profiles. These baskets can be filled with different types of stone. That way you can easily choose the character of your garden fence. The most used fillings are boulders, granite and lava rock.
You have many different types of mesh fences. You can choose standard chain link, or even mesh fence panels with a top rail or concrete slabs at the bottom to add more sturdiness. Wire fence panels look like standard wire mesh but they don’t bend.
More privacy can be created by making your mesh fence panels nontransparent. This can be done with ivy or artificial mats. The pros to mesh fence panels? It’s light, easy to install and relatively cheap in comparison to other types of garden fences.
An other way to provide your garden with a fence is with rails. With this type of garden fence you’re going for a sturdy fence with which you can go in any direction.
Chestnut fences, for example, are cheap, durable and gives your garden that nice, rustic touch. Railing exists of vertical metal spikes, or rails, and creates a modern look. This kind of fence is very popular with companies. A more elegant variation of railing fencer are the ornamental fences. This elegant look gives your railing a more classical look.
⇒ Click this link to go to the article about railing fences.
5. Hedges
If you prefer a green, natural fence, you better go for the hedge. Although, it’s important to add that not all hedges can be used as fence.
The most popular of the hedges is the beech hedge. This type of hedge grows quickly and doesn’t require much maintenance. It also doesn’t lose it’s leaves in the winter. Unlike the hornbeam, another popular type of hedge.
Yew is mostly known for its decorative look and hardiness. The latter also applies to the laurel hedge, a tight hedge that can also grow considerably in width.
⇒ Click this link to go to the article about hedges.
Purpose of a garden fence
The reason why you’re choosing a new garden fence will influence, in part, its look.
If you want more privacy in your garden, you have to look for a high, tight fence. Garden fence panels, for example, could be a great choice here.
If you rather want your garden to be closed off to animals, while keeping your nice view, you better choose mesh fence panels.
Do you want to keep the focus on the decorative function of the fence? Then the best way to go are gabion baskets or a fence in an original colour. Plenty of options as you can see, the choice is yours.
DIY or better call in an expert?
Placing your garden fences yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you will save money. Because they order in bulk, gardeners often receive nice discounts from the supplier that you simply won’t get as a private person. Keep in mind the extra costs from the purchase of materials to tighten the construction, not to mention the oh-so-easily made mistakes while placing the fences. That way the costs can easily go up.
So you’d do good to call in a professional to place your fence. He has the necessary knowledge and experience to do the job and do it well. That way you’re assured of a high quality result and a correct placement. Non-committal quotes can be requested with our acknowledged contractors on the quotation page.
TIP: comparing prices pays off!
Are you planning on placing a garden fence? Then you have every interest in going to different gardeners. That way you can compare the quality of different materials and examine where you get your money’s worth.
Curious about the costs of placing a garden fence? Noncommittal quotes can be requested with different contractors specialised in the placement of garden fences via our quotation service. Click here to go to our quotation page.