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Types of fences

There are many ways of closing off your home or garden. On this page you can find all types of fences with their pros, cons, price, maintenance and durability.

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wire mesh garden fence Wire mesh fences

Wire mesh fencing is one of the most commonly used materials to close off a house. It’s available in a whole range of variations and can be placed transparent, as well as non-transparent.

Maintenance: little to none

Durability: more than 40 years, depending on quality and placement
Price: limited to moderate budget

Read all about wire mesh fencing


concrete garden fence Concrete fences

Concrete is a robust material that has been used as fence for many years. It’s very sturdy and is often chosen to partly wind- and sound-proof gardens.

Maintenance: little to none

Durability: more than 40 years, depending on quality and placement
Price: limited to moderate budget

Read all about concrete fencing


wood garden fence Wood fences

No material is as versatile as wood. From DIY wood constructions, to prefab fence panels, tropical hardwood, impregnated fir and even thermally hardened… The possibilities are endless and can match any budget.

Maintenance: little to a lot

Durability: less than 10 years to more than 75 years
Price: limited to large budget

Read more on wood fencing


gabion basket garden Gabion baskets

Gabion baskets are the latest trend in the world of gardening. Choose your filling, as well as the finish and the style of the fencing posts. If you want your garden to be a sleek whole, you can even use these baskets as a bench and flower boxes.

Maintenance: little to none

Durability: more than 40 years
Price: very large budget

Read more on gabion baskets


plastic garden fence Plastic fences

Plastic is used more and more often in gardens. Because plastic is relatively cheap, needs next to no maintenance and is, above all, made with recycled materials. Plastic garden fences are available in concrete and wood look.

Maintenance: little to none

Durability: more than 40 years
Price: moderate budget

Read all about plastic fences


natural garden fence Natural fences

A natural fence oozes tranquillity and can be made with many different types of plants. The biggest disadvantage is the fact that they grow very slow and uneven. This fence won’t be sufficient if you have pets running around. How many times you need to trim it depends on the chosen type of plant. Keep in mind that some plants loose their leaves in winter!

Maintenance: lots

Durability: more than 40 years
Price: limited to large budget


Don’t compare apples to oranges!

When looking for a new fence, it’s important that you compare the same materials. Even fences that look the same, can be different in a lot of aspects. Always go for well-known brands and dare ask advice from other people whom installed a fence that you’d want as well. Are you a 100% sure? Call in different experts in order to compare prices and methods the best you can. You can also request quotes via our online quotation service. Click for more info.